Frequently asked questions

Subcontractor Network

Perfect Polish works with subcontractors across the US on projects with some of the largest clients in the country. 

Check out our frequently asked questions to learn more about subcontracting with Perfect Polish or contact us.

Don’t see your question here? Email us or call 877.917.4463 to speak with the team.

Perfect Polish requires our subcontractors to provide a few documents for approval & addition to our sub network. 

  • A signed NDA (Download HERE)
  • A W9, which you can find HERE
  • Submit a COI to prove insurability
  • Fill out our online qualification form HERE
  • Submit a financial statement to us by sending it to us HERE

Each project that we complete has different needs, so while we expect for subs to be experienced in the scopes we perform, there are no specific requirements, in regard to company size, location, etc. 

The project determines the subcontractor needed, and we complete projects that are good fits for polishing, coatings, and joint fill subcontractors of all sizes. 

When we’re assessing our needs, we look for subs with qualities that align with the mission of Perfect Polish. 

Qualities & Practices We Look For

  • Commitment to our mission of delivering projects with high safety standards, excellent quality, and on schedule. 
  • Ability to scale staffing as needed, but at least 1 consistent crew with five to ten or more experienced staff (depending on the project size and duration)
  • Equipment sufficient to perform the scope and ability to purchase material sufficient to complete the project work
  • Excellent communication & consistent follow-through is another key factor we look for in our subcontractors
  • Ability to complete & submit Daily Field Reports, pictures, and ability to anticipate and communicate potential issues effectively to operations staff
Perfect Polish always looking to add subcontractors who represent our mission and operate with the utmost character and transparency. 
If you have questions,  contact us.

Subcontracting with Perfect Polish comes with benefits outside of being an addition to your revenue stream without overhead administrative, managerial, or marketing and estimating costs. 

  • Add revenue to your pipeline without additional marketing or overhead costs, so you can focus on completing work profitably, while we manage the project
  • Free opportunities for training, including manufacturer certifications, and other opportunities to improve your skills & learn new processes and products
  • Discounts and credit term options on consumables for Perfect Polish projects with Concrete Polishing Solutions
  • Project leads in your region that fall outside of Perfect Polish’s bidding range that your company can bid independently

Once Signing up to join our Subcontractor Network is completely free. For full approval as a subcontractor & to receive access to our Open Projects portal, we require a few things: 

  • Submit a signed non-disclosure agreement. The form can be found by CLICKING HERE
  • Fill out our online qualification form and submit the requested documents. This includes submitting a W9  for your company, a COI for insurance verification, and a financial statement of some sort. Links are listed below. 
Once this information is received & reviewed, you will be added as an available and active subcontractor in our system. 

We ask our subcontractors to sign a non-disclosure agreement to ensure that information shared about our clients, processes, and projects are protected from being shared outside of the network. 

Many of our clients require NDAs to bid their work, so we require the same as an added layer of security. Click Here to access our NDA or Contact Us with questions.

Once an active subcontractor, you will receive a password to access our Open Projects Portal

From here, you can find project scopes and locations for all of our upcoming work. Simply check out our listings, and click to get in touch with the project manager over the project you’re interested in learning more about.

Check out our Open Projects Portal to find what projects are still looking for subcontractors. From here, you can reach out & receive project details, takeoffs, etc. Once you receive these documents, you can submit pricing directly to a project manager who will review your proposal, and answer any questions you might have. 

If the project is a good fit, and the numbers make sense for both parties, we will issue a subcontract for you to review, sign, and return. 

We also reach out directly to regional subs when scheduling upcoming projects, so make sure your contact information is up-to-date. To change your contact info call 877.917.4463 or email us

We operate on a “paid when paid” model, like many general contractors. Once we receive payment, we will make every effort to issue payment to our subcontractors immediately. 

Subcontractors can submit invoices for payment, as well as payment waivers to

If you have questions, contact us.